Skull Labs Angel Dust 270g ® Original price was: 29.99€.Current price is: 23.90€.
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100% Skills Devil Zone Stim DMHA 300g Original price was: 45.90€.Current price is: 39.90€.

Fitness Authority Napalm Pre – Contest Pumped 350g


Viaczložkový prípravok kombinujúci štandardizované výťažky z rastlinných adaptogénov so zložkami používanými v predtréningových doplnkoch. Doplnok stravy bol pripravený špeciálne pre ľudí, ktorí sú vystavení vysokej psychofyzickej únave a ktorí chcú maximalizovať svoje úsilie počas tréningu alebo iných foriem cvičenia. Výrobok sa osvedčil v rôznych športových disciplínach a na všetkých úrovniach pokročilosti. Doplnok je k dispozícii vo forme ľahko rozpustného prášku, ktorý umožňuje prípravu ovocného a osviežujúceho nápoja. Neobsahuje cukor.

18 Ľudí, teraz sleduje tento produkt!
Katalógové číslo: AS75461 Kategória:

Experience the harmonious blend of nature and science with our cutting-edge workout supplement, expertly formulated to combat high psychophysical fatigue and deliver a much-needed energy surge. Transforming into a revitalizing, sugar-free beverage upon dissolving, this powder is the go-to choice for those seeking weight loss, fat burning, and enhanced endurance in various athletic endeavors.

Our supplement boasts a host of energy-boosting properties to propel your performance to new heights. From amplifying endurance to sharpening cognitive function with nootropics, and fortifying stress resilience with plant adaptogens, each sip primes you for peak physical output. Simply mix 1/2 scoop (4.38g) with 75-100ml of water and enjoy 30-45 minutes before your workout for optimal results.

Crafted with meticulously measured active ingredients such as Citrulline Malate, Beta-alanine, Betaine, Glycerol Monostearate, L-tyrosine, Choline Bitartrate, and Caffeine, our supplement is tailored to augment your exercise routine effectively and efficiently.

While this supplement is a valuable dietary addition, it is not a substitute for a balanced diet. With sweeteners and a caffeine content of 100mg per serving (4.38g), exercise caution if you are a child, pregnant, or sensitive to caffeine. Refrain from mixing with other caffeinated products and adhere to the recommended daily intake. Prior to use, consult your healthcare provider if you are on medication. For precise dosing, a scale is recommended over the included scoop. Shake the container well before use, as settling may occur during transit. Remember, the number of servings is determined by accurate weight measurement, and always keep this product out of reach of children.

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Cherry – Lemon

